The start of pregnancy certainly involves being extra-tired and possibly extra-sleepy (the two were hard to distinguish for me): could that be the sedating part?

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I've been meaning to ask this, and these threads are probably the best place. My partner gets bad PMS. 3rd week of her cycle more generally, but almost from the 15th day to the 18th day or so she's very anxious, she starts feeling bad about things, fails to connect it to her cycle so follows the bad feelings further and generally has a bad time. The usual internet advice around exercise and sleep etc is not particularly useful. Is there a good way to handle the hormonal shifts going on for her?

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>how much better the biomedical comment threads are compared to some of the others.

I think this is because the more political posts tend to attract a different style of commentary.

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So maybe this isn't quite on topic but I just wanted to say I really appreciate these "Highlights From The Comments On some such" posts.

Enjoyable to read and a 'best of' for the comments as well as a nice follow up to the original post.

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Oh, a lame comment "correcting" something you didn't even say gets in, but my devastatingly clever and almost even relevant essay on opioids and depression doesn't? I see. I see how it is. No, don't try defending yourself with comments about how talk of unrelated strategies and medications isn't appropriate for a follow-up post about progesterone, I won't hear it!

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"Yeah, this has me confused about why pregnancy isn’t more sedating than it is."

Ummm, have you spoken to many pregnant women?

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Those costs are about 1000x too high for a small molecule active pharmaceutical ingredient made at scale. Typical cost of small molecule API is $5000 - $25000 per kg. Source: I've made metric tons of drug substance.

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"Catholic fertility doctors are more interested in progesterone than the mainstream" - I'm genuinely curious as to why this might be the case.

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